BRAINFORCE presenting the CEO-of-the-Year Ranking 2017 Russia

BRAINFORCE presents the “CEO of the Year Russia 2017” Ranking for the fourth time.

This CEO-of-the-Year 2017 Russia ranking is based on a transparent, solely financial figures-based methodology from Switzerland and published for the fourth time in Russia in a joint effort of the Obermatt Financial Research Institute and BRAINFORCE, a leading provider of interim management services.

The Russian CEO Ranking compares their company performance with the performance of 30-70 Peer companies globally. Ranking categories include: (1) indexed Revenue or Sales growth (Development), (2) indexed Profit growth (Operational Efficiency), (3) indexed Total Shareholder return (Investments), and (4) Combined Growth, the combination of the previous three categories.

The Ranking has been grouped in two sections: “Big Business” (annual sales more than RUB 100 billion) and “Medium Business” (annual sales in the range RUB 3.5 million -100 billion).

The results for “Big Business” in 2017 reveal the following:

The number of Russian CEOs that could beat their global Peer companies has increased. However, only 75% of the CEO’s and their companies (compared with 100% in 2016) could be considered in the Ranking due to more management departures. Note: The Ranking Methodology requires a full year term of service of the respective CEOs in 2016 and continued service up to September 2017 for this year’s Ranking.

The results for “Medium Business” in 2017 reveal the following:

Even more changes have occurred in the Medium Business Section. This year only 50% of the CEO’s and their companies could be included in the 2017 Ranking. Last year this indication was 75%. This shows even more unstable situation with management departures in the Medium Business CEO community during the 2016/17 period.

Compared with 2016, about 41% of Russian CEOs were able to beat their international competitors (global Peers) in the Combined category which takes into account both operational and strategic performance. In 2016 this share was 39%, in 2015 it was only 20%, and in 2014 it was 30%. This suggests a strengthening of the Russian companies.
From the sectoral point of view, the winners in 2017 in Big Business and Medium Business covered a wide range of industries: manufacturing, oil & gas, financial, energy, retail, and services. This contrasts to last year’s winners when manufacturing, energy and mining industries were dominant. This suggests a broad-based enhancement of performance across industries in Russia.

In 2017, German Gref, President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia is the Gold Award Winner in the category “Big Business”/”Combined”. In “Medium Business”/”Combined ”, Kirill Minovalov, the President and Chairman of the Board of the Bank “Avangard” , is the Gold Award Winner of the “CEO of the Year Russia 2017”

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The Gold Winners 2017 by category are the following CEOs:

Category Combined Performance ( Growth Sales + Profitability + Investment)

German Gref, Chairman of the Board «Sberbank Rossii» 95 %
Andrey Murov, Chairman of the Board
PAO «Federalnaya Setevaya Kompaniya Edinoy Energeticheskoy Sistemy» 91 %
Vladimir Vlasov, CEO “Mostotrest” 88 %

Category Investment/ Total Shareholder Return Growth Performance

Vitaly Saveliev, CEO «Аeroflot» 100 %
Аndrey Мurov, Chairman of the Board
PAO «Federalnaya Setevaya Kompaniya Edinoy Energeticheskoy Sistemy» 100 %
Boris Kovalchuk, Chairman of the Board «Inter RАО ЕES» 100 %
Dmitry Pogrebinsky, CEO «Protek» 100 %
Oleg Korzhov, President, CEO «Mechel» 100%

Category Sales Growth Performance

Andrey Kostin, Chairman of the Board «VTB Bank» 96 %
Pavel Grachev, CEO «Polus Zoloto» 94 %
German Gref, Chairman of the Board «Sberbank Rossii» 92 %

Category Profit Growth

Pavel Grachev, CEO «Polus Zoloto» 97%
German Gref, Chairman of the Board «Sberbank Rossii» 96%
Andrey Kostin, Chairman of the Board «VTB Bank» 92%
Yuriy Slyusar, President «Ob’edinennaya Aviastroitelnaya Korporatsiya» 92%

Category Combined Performance ( Growth Sales + Profitability + Investment)

Kirill Minovalov, Chairman of the Board, Bank «Аvangard» 91%
Коnstantin Basmanov, Chairman of the Board, Bank «Vozrozhdenie» 89%
Dmitry Оlyunin, Chairman of the Board «Rosbank» 89%

Category Profit Growth

Dmitry Melnikov, CEO, «Solikamsky magnievy zavod» 100% Konstantin Basmanov, Chairman of the Board, Bank «Vozrozhdenie» 98%
Roman Savushkin, CEO, «Nauchno-proizvodstvennaya korporatsiya
«Оb’edinennaya Vagonnaya Kompaniya» 96%
Dmitry Оlyunin, Chairman of the Board, «Rosbank» 96%
Sergey Кalinin, CEO «Hals Development» 96%

Category Sales Growth Performance

Sergey Кalinin, CEO «Hals Development» 100%
Vladimir Kintsurashvili, CEO «Aptechnaya set 36,6» 97%
Коnstantin Basmanov, Chairman of the Board, Bank «Vozrozhdenie» 96%

Category Investment/ Total Shareholder Return Growth Performance

Andrey Ershov, CEO «Moskovskaya gorodskaya telephonnaya set» 100%
Andrey Molchanov,CEO Gruppa LSR 100%
Nikolay Molibog, CEO «RBC» 100%

Zürich, 28 September 2017

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